Corporate policy & code of conduct for quality, safety, health and the environment

Our policy applies to Dr.Stöcker as a whole as well as to our subsidiaries and covers the following areas, among others:

  • quality management
  • environmental and energy management
  • risk management and the
  • occupational health and safety.

Corporate policy is determined by the company’s management, taking into account the interests of our employees and in the context of organizations and the public.

All employees must take this policy into account when performing their duties.

Our policy is primarily geared towards

  • fulfilling of all customer requirements, expectations and wishes at the forefront of our activities without becoming dependent on a few major customers,
  • offering products that provide customer benefits and can be transported, used and disposed of safely and in an environmentally friendly manner, thereby ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • As an owner-managed company, we do not aim to ensure short-term success, but rather sustainable success with a stable trend. We act in accordance with the rules of fair competition, respect intellectual property, patents and copyright and sanction plagiarism methods.
  • To achieve the production result in compliance with the zero-defect strategy and to ensure safe handling of products and residual materials in our manufacturing processes,
  • to comply with all requirements arising from laws, standards, export controls & economic sanctions, regulations and other internal and external regulations, in particular

Equal opportunities, harassment and non-discrimination, gender equality, women's rights, inclusion:

Dr.Stöcker is committed to equal opportunities and gender equality and does not tolerate discrimination. We are committed to the principle that no one may be treated inappropriately, disadvantaged, favored, harassed or excluded because of their race or ethnic origin, skin color, nationality, faith, ideology, gender, age, marital status, physical constitution, appearance or sexual identity. We therefore expect fair, respectful, friendly and objective interaction with one another. At the same time, we are committed to equal opportunities, inclusion and active and explicit support in all phases of the employment relationship, including recruitment, hiring, career entry and termination of employment.

Child labor and modern slavery:

We take responsibility for our own products and especially for the people who manufacture our products. We strictly reject all forms of unfree labor (e.g. child or forced labor, modern slavery) or inhumane working conditions. Dr.Stöcker links cooperation with its partners to the recognition of our Code of Conduct or requires compliance with at least comparable standards.
Dr.Stöcker produces exclusively in Germany and does not employ children. Under-18s must have completed their schooling and are not employed in night shifts or when working with hazardous substances.

Wages, benefits and working hours:

The remuneration of employees and working hours comply with legal requirements, in particular in compliance with minimum wage regulations. Information on working hours, social benefits and notice periods are specified in the employment contracts and comply with the statutory or collectively agreed provisions.
Stöcker undertakes to ensure that working hours and break times comply with the applicable national laws or industry standards.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining:

Dr.Stöcker grants its employees the right to freedom of association, to join trade unions and to join and form works councils. This means that employees who are active as employee representatives must not be disadvantaged.

Financial responsibility:

Dr.Stöcker is committed to financial responsibility.
For this reason, records and accounts are maintained in accordance with applicable laws so that they accurately and transparently reflect all transactions and events and comply with generally accepted accounting principles.

  • to act in harmony with our environment in all our business activities and thus make a decisive contribution to protecting and preserving it. In order to realize our claim, the environmental guidelines listed below are binding contents of our policy:

Natural resources

We consider the economical use of natural resources to be our social obligation.

We are guided by the principle of sustainable management and therefore use energy, raw materials and water sparingly.

Environmentally friendly processes

We pay attention to environmentally friendly processes right from the design and construction of our systems.

Reduction of CO2e emissions & climate neutrality

As part of our transformation concept, we are pursuing the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Our goal:
At least 40% reduction in CO2e emissions in business operations by 2031. We are aiming for climate neutrality by 2045.

Reduction of environmental pollution

We are committed to continuously working on reducing environmental pollution through soil and water protection, air pollution control, noise protection and noise reduction. We avoid current environmental impacts such as water consumption, waste, waste water, emissions and noise or keep them as low as possible. To this end, the impact of our activities on the environment is recorded, assessed, measures for improvement are derived and integrated into the corporate objectives.

  • The continuous improvement of safety at our site is of paramount importance to us. We consistently improve plant safety, occupational safety and health protection. We prevent potential risks and ensure effective hazard prevention. Dr.Stöcker uses documented systems and procedures for this purpose.
  • Every employee in our company is responsible for quality, safety, health and environmental protection and their continuous improvement. To this end, we set ourselves regular targets and ensure their implementation. Through training and further education, we sensitize these employees and enable them to successfully implement our principles of action. At the same time, we encourage them – also confidentially or anonymously – to make complaints, to disclose grievances, even in the event of a conflict of interest, and to actively cooperate in eliminating them. In doing so, we protect anyone who reports criminal offenses such as corruption, insider trading, human rights violations, data misuse, etc. (whistleblowing).
  • In order to ensure compliance with our Code of Conduct, we check potential supplier partners before the start by means of a structured and documented “supplier assessment”. Compliance with our Code of Conduct is also ensured during the collaboration by means of an annual “supplier assessment”.
  • Not to see mistakes as a weakness, but as an opportunity to avoid them in the future.
  • support fundamental human rights and believe in the dignity and worth of all people.

Fairness and respect

We treat all people around the world with fairness and respect.

Safe working conditions

Dr.Stöcker does not use or permit the use of children, slaves, forced labor or human trafficking in any of its business activities. We condemn any inhumane treatment of people and are committed to providing safe working conditions.

Supply chains and transparency

We commit our business partners to an ongoing commitment to the health and safety of their workers and to act in accordance with human rights. We require transparency within our supply chain to monitor behavior and ensure compliance with the above guidelines.

We condemn corruption in any form, including exploitation, extortion and bribery.

Based on this policy, we have developed the following corporate principles in collaboration with our employees.